Supporting Therapeutic Courts
in Thurston County
The Strophy Foundation has four mission-critical purposes
Help with Thurston County therapeutic court participant costs that are not covered by government funding sources.
Increase Thurston County therapeutic court participation by expanding funding sources.
Raise community awareness of the Thurston County therapeutic court programs.
Educate our community about the savings associated with reduced recidivism vs. incarceration.
Therapeutic Courts help turn lives around by offering an alternative to incarceration
Each of the Thurston County therapeutic court programs has a rigorous curriculum that participants must accomplish before graduating. Participants’ progress is guided, monitored, and measured throughout the course of the 1-2 year program. In order to succeed, they are frequently required to pass regular drug and alcohol tests. The programs are supported by an incredible team of attorneys, mentors, counselors, and judges who stick with participants and offer them support through their journey.
If successful, participants graduate sober, with a clean criminal record and a new lease on life.
Current Thurston County therapeutic court funding does not meet the needs of all participants to complete the program successfully.
Most of the program costs of Therapeutic Courts are funded through the Thurston County Treatment Sales Tax, but the funds do not meet the needs of all participants to complete the program successfully.
Court program directors have found that these financial gaps can easily become barriers that threaten participants’ success. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
The cost of required treatment programs
Transportation to mandated hearings
Required clothing and equipment for work
Acceptable attire for work or job interviews
Simple incentives to keep up participants’ morale during the program
The Strophy Foundation covers many of these costs and serves to bridge the gaps to successful graduation and life-changing decisions.
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The mission of the Strophy Foundation is to change the lives of those
in recovery by supporting the Thurston County therapeutic court programs.